Distribution of bat roosts in the interior of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and adjacent farmlands in Gede, Kilifi County, Kenya

Dernière version Publié par National Museums of Kenya le Mar 16, 2019 National Museums of Kenya

We present data on the distribution of different bat roosts in the interior of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) and human-modified habitats (farmlands) on the eastern part of this coastal forest in Gede, Kilifi County Kenya. A total of 12 roosts were identified, which included six limestone caves, two tree roosts and four man-made structures (mainly buildings). A total of 13 bat species were recorded to roost in these roosts, with two limestone caves hosting at least more than five species. Only one cave found inside ASF was legally protected, the others were not legally protected because they occurred outside ASF in privately owned individual farms, and were highly prone to demolition and destruction. Two roosts occurred in the middle of rapidly expanding urban areas and were most likely be destroyed in the near future. This information can be used for monitoring the population of bats in these roosts and the conservation status of the bat roosts.

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Musila S, Syingi R, Zuhura A, Gichuki N (2019): Distribution of bat roosts in the interior of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and adjacent farmlands in Gede, Kilifi County, Kenya. v1.0. National Museums of Kenya. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.museums.or.ke/ipt/resource?r=bats_roost&v=1.0


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Occurrence; Observation; Bats; Caves; Coastal Forest; Farmlands; Observation


Personne ayant créé cette ressource:

Simon Musila
Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 -00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE
Robert Syingi
Research Intern
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 -00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE
Aziza Zuhura
Laboratory technician
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 -00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE
Nathan Gichuki
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
University of Nairobi Chiromo P.O.Box 30197 - 00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE

Personne pouvant répondre aux questions sur la ressource:

Simon Musila
Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 -00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE

Personne ayant renseigné les métadonnées:

Simon Musila
Head, Mammalogy Section
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 -00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE

Autres personnes associées à la ressource:

Esther Mwangi
Research Scientist
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O. Box 40658 - 00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE
Lawrence Monda
ICT Manager
National Museums of Kenya Museum Hill Road P.O.Box 40658 - 00100 Nairobi Nairobi KE

Couverture géographique

Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) and adjacent farmlands around Gede (especially from Mtsangoni, Mida, Arabuko, Gede, Watamu and Msabaha villages), Kenya

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-3.505, 39.792], Nord Est [-3.198, 40.031]

Couverture taxonomique

All bat individuals captured were identified to species level.

Order  Chiroptera (Bats)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2018-10-18

Données sur le projet

The project is an endeavour to document bat roosts the Kenyan coast.

Titre Factors influencing bat community structure and temporal activity patterns in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and adjacent human-modified habitats, Gede-Malindi, Kenya
Identifiant BID-AF2017-0274-NAC
Financement The project was funded by British Ecological Society (Ecologists in Africa (http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/funding/ecologists-in-africa/) grant Number 4632-5670) and Sino-African Joint Research Center, CAS (SAJC201612). Bat Conservation International also provided 30 mist nets used in the survey. National Museums of Kenya allowed Simon Musila to undertake the project. We appreciate the guidance provided by Simon Kajengo as we worked at night in Gede villages and assistance in data collection by Aaron Musyoka.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche This study was undertaken in the interior of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) and adjacent farmlands on the eastern part of this forest. The forest is found in Gede, Malindi-Kenya, about 100 km north of Mombasa city at a latitude of 3° 20’ S and longitude 39° 50’ E. The ASF is the largest continuous coastal forest in eastern Africa, which consists of three rather distinct types of broadleaved forest (“mixed forest”, “Brachystegia forest” and “Cynometra forest”). The human settlements and cultivated land around the forest, consisting of small individual farms here referred to as ‘farmlands’ is dominated with exotic fruit trees (mostly mango Mangifera indica, cashew Anacardium occidentale, and coconut Cocos nucifera.
Description du design We interviewed local people leaving around the study areas in order to generation information on existence of bat caves, trees and building roosts. The roosts once identified, they were visited opportunistically their GPS coordinates recorded, bats captured using hand nets and identified. Our field protocol followed guidelines recommended by the American Society of Mammalogists (Sikes and Gannon 2011). Data was aligned to the Darwin Core standards before publishing on Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) through the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) at National Museums of Kenya.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Chercheur Principal
Simon Musila

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs http://ipt.museums.or.ke/ipt/resource?r=bats_roost